Redaktørens hjørne #10: Covid-19-forskning, fødselsvekt og IQ, JAMA-drama

Redaktørens hjørne #10: Covid-19-forskning, fødselsvekt og IQ, JAMA-drama



Hvor godt beskyttet er man egentlig mot covid-19, hvis man allerede har gjennomgått sykdommen en gang? Og beskytter sigarettrøyking mot covid-19? Har barn som veier lite ved fødsel, lavere IQ? Hvor farlig er gluten? Og hvorfor måtte mangeårig sjefredaktør i JAMA, Howard Bauchner, fratre sin stilling etter en podkastepisode? Vår sjefredaktør, Are Brean, forteller om dette og mer i dagens episode.Tilbakemeldinger kan sendes til        Stetoskopet produseres av Irene Rønold, Are Brean og Julie Didriksen ved Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. Ansvarlig redaktør er Are Brean.              Lydtekniker: Håkon Braaten / Moderne Media        Coverillustrasjon: Stephen Lee   Artikler nevnt:Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection 1 Year After Primary Infection in a Population in Lombardy, ItalyProtection Because of Prior SARS-CoV-2 InfectionAntibodies, Immunity, and COVID-19Dødsfall i sykehjem etter covid-19-vaksineCovid-19: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is “likely” responsible for deaths of some elderly patients, Norwegian review findsHospital admission and mortality rates for non-covid diseases in Denmark during covid-19 pandemic: nationwide population based cohort studyCovid-19: countermeasures and collateral consequencesCovid 19: How harm reduction advocates and the tobacco industry capitalised on the pandemic to promote nicotineSpatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019Tobacco control: all research, no actionLong-term Intake of Gluten and Cognitive Function Among US WomenAssociation of Very Preterm Birth or Very Low Birth Weight With Intelligence in AdulthoodJAMA editor in chief steps down over controversial structural racism podcastTo Howard Bauchner, MD, Visionary Editor in Chief of JAMA—A Sincere Thank You and a Fond FarewellSee for privacy information.



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