A Russian airstrike destroyed a maternity hospital in the southern Ukrainian city of Mariupol on Wednesday. This is the latest example of Russian forces hitting civilians and civilian infrastructure, with United Nations monitors reporting on Wednesday that over 500 civilians have been killed so far. Washington Post journalist Isabelle Khurshudyan, who is currently in Odessa, Ukraine, joins us to discuss the impossible choices that citizens face about leaving the country.And in headlines: Conservative candidate Yoon Suk-yeol won South Korea’s presidential election, a new study found that historically redlined neighborhoods have higher levels of air pollution, and a 1915 shipwreck in Antarctica has been located.Show Notes:Washington Post’s Isabelle Khurshudyan – https://wapo.st/3vVQzbwUkrainian Congress Committee of America: donate to humanitarian efforts – https://www.mightycause.com/story/M1wzpfUnited Help Ukraine: donate to the life-saving medical supplies to Ukraine’s front lines – https://bit.ly/3MAFK4DRevived Soldiers Ukraine: donate to treatment of the wounded and the provision of hospitals – https://bit.ly/3vYGpXBRed Cross for Ukraine: donate to tactical medical training and emergency response in Ukraine – https://rdcrss.org/3vT4qPODoctors Without Borders – https://bit.ly/3pOUJxRFollow us on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/whataday/For a transcript of this episode, please visit crooked.com/whataday