BEST OF BECK DID IT BETTER- The Beatles: Rubber Soul and Shoplifting from Spencer Gifts.

BEST OF BECK DID IT BETTER- The Beatles: Rubber Soul and Shoplifting from Spencer Gifts.


Om episode

Hey everyone, welcome to THE BEST OF BECK DID IT BETTER. This is where we take a bite sized chunk out of a full episode so you can give us a test run.     It's kind of like speed dating but we are the only ones talking. So actually it is exactly like going on a date with us.    BECK DID IT BETTER is a podcast where we are discussing each of the top 500 albums of all time as decided by Rolling Stone Magazine. In this Episode we are talking about the Beatles Rubber Soul but this trailer focuses on the Countdown OF THE EPISODE where Aaron takes charge this week and gives us a list of his best breakup songs.    Unless your name is Aaron, you have never heard of these songs. This is what happens when you have a guy who has never been dumped makes a list about break up songs.    If you like this trailer, please look for full-length Beck Did It Better episodes each Tuesday. Make sure you subscribe wherever you get podcasts so you don’t miss an episode by accident and then you go to a party and everyone is talking about BECK DID IT BETTER and you have to lie and say you did listen to it but deep down you are really embarrassed because you forgot.    If you want to tell us something and hear your voice on a podcast, give us some FeedBECK by leaving a voicemail on the BECK LINE 802 277 BECK (2325)    Also, feel free to email us at and follow us @BeckDidItBetter on Instagram and Twitter.    Enjoy the Best of BECK DID IT BETTER.