Om episode
Thanks for joining us on this episode so we can give you some advice on your musical tastes that you didn't ask for when we become the best podcast about Metallica and the 96th greatest album of all time, Master of Puppets. And for you listeners who listen on 1.5X speed, we're still the best heavy metal podcast even though you listened faster, faster! But before we get to the album we needed to give you a secondary plug for a 50-point shot when we take a call about holiday music. We also talk about carnivorous plants, making friends with strangers on vacation, and whether the hockey playoffs are better than the basketball playoffs. We also become the best Formula 1 podcast, when the main host gets an F-1-inspired haircut. Then at (35:00) we treat you to a sonata of sorts when we recapitulate the theme of this podcast by talking about Metallica's third studio album, Master of Puppets. We discuss the classical music influence on this album, how Metallica interpolated David Bowie, and the greatest songs ever from artists or bands from El Cerrito, or at least from someone who ordered a piece of pizza near El Cerrito once. Call or text 802 277 BECK. Don't be a brat! You can email us at follow us on our Twitter and Instagram @beckdiditbetter and feel free to leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Please mention feet if you do review the show. If we can get "ROSIE LOVES FEET" to be something that is searchable online, I feel like this will all be worth it. Next week we decided that we don't want you listeners anymore because you took our joy, but regardless we'll still become the best Lucinda Williams podcast when we talk about her country blues album, Car Wheels on a Gravel Road.