105. The Allman Brothers Band: At Filmore East (1971)

105. The Allman Brothers Band: At Filmore East (1971)


Om episode

The given name for this complimentary podcast is Beck Did it Better, but for short, you can call it the best podcast about The Allman Brothers Band and the 105th greatest album of all time, At Fillmore East.   But before we get to the music the conversation is like wrapping yourself in vaseline and then getting on some rubber sheets and spinning around...It just feels good. First, we answer a voicemail about which is a better option, a microwave or a toaster oven. Then we discuss whether to use somebody's given name or nickname, the best seats we've ever had for a sporting event, and the perks of sitting in first class. We also became the best podcast about the weather when we got started on fog patterns and the dew point.   Then at (50:00) the guys from Fillmore West look to start a street fight when we talk about the Allman Brothers and their first live album, At Fillmore East. We discuss the blues influence on this album, double drum solos, and the best live albums ever.    If you were able to get through this jam band episode quick enough to get marmalade last night then you should come back and join us next week when we become the best Hole podcast and best Courtney Love podcast and talk about the alternative rock album, Live Through This.