122. Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral (1994)

122. Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral (1994)


Om episode

This Yur-End Beck Did it Better has decided to celebrate the holiday spirit by complicating our listeners with the best podcast about Nine Inch Nails, and the 122nd greatest album of all time, The Downward Spiral.   But before we desecrate you we get an amazing voicemail about whether it's ok to play explicit lyrics in front of kids. We also become the best Christmas podcast when we talk about attending children's Christmas concerts, professional Christmas lights, and purchasing holiday inflatables with rebates. We also discuss personal intimacy in the champagne room, in futuristic vehicles, and at Walgreens next to the gingerbread village kits.   Then at (53:00) we discuss Nine Inch Nails' industrial rock album, The Downward Spiral. We talk about classical music's influence on Trent Reznor, leitmotifs, and the best songs where one person played all the instruments. We also discuss a hypothetical relationship between Trent Reznor and Dave Coulier, how to make a rusty nail cocktail, and whether Closer is the second sexiest song ever.    Next week the guys plan to ramble on about Moby Dick for 90 minutes when we become the best Led Zeppelin podcast and cover their second studio album, Led Zeppelin II. Also, we'd appreciate it if you'd share this episode with a friend. Hurry! Don't You Care!