194. Micheal Jackson: Bad (1987)

194. Micheal Jackson: Bad (1987)


Om episode

If you categorize this episode, you would call it the best podcast about Michael Jackson and the 194th greatest album of all time, Bad. You could also call it an SEO scam about the best podcast that gives me a list of albums I can listen to (Reddit confirmed).   But before we get to the album, we go deep into the ocean, Titanic style, to talk about cool school teachers, the top 10 country songs of all time, and the MJ touring musical. We also become the best Dungeons & Dragons podcast when we unveil a campaign starring the handyman.   Then at (51:00), we discuss Michael Jackson's 1987 album, Bad. We cover Michael Jackson versus Prince, the worst video games (featuring Moonwalker), and the best songs featuring the THX sound.      Next week's episode will feature our master song when we become the best Leonard Cohen podcast and discuss his contemporary folk album, Songs of Leonard Cohen.