Episode 78: He Knows the Danger, But Doesn't Act Like It

Episode 78: He Knows the Danger, But Doesn't Act Like It


Om episode

Surrounded by beggars that have gotten aggressive, Bruno steps up. The Gang continues to poke around in Wittgendorf, not sure what is going on in this strange place. Bruno hates this town, Carl isn't going to get woken up like that again, Lucky described her accurately, and Mina sees something in the room. The Professional Casual Network continues their play through of The Enemy Within Campaign.Twitch: Twitch.tv/professionalcasualnetworkYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfUOaJjpMfgRFWL7Z996lyQBearded Dragon Games (Pick up all your gaming needs):BeardedDragonGames.Online (use code 'professionalcasual' for free shipping in the continental US!)A special thanks to our Patreon backers who helped support us at Patreon.com/professionalcasual :Thank you to our most recent Patrons! Eric B., Quinn B., John S., William S., Rob M., Rob, Franz B., Film-Lars, Leslie S., Matt F., Kasper S., Paul S., Christopher T., Matt L., Zane T., Thomas T, Joe J., Johan E., Jens R., Oliver H., Mikolaj W., Andrew, Zach C., Justliketheplant, Neil L., Jared S., Mikael N., Taylor M., George F., Tom M., Devin M., Nicholas W., Jonas P., Jonathan L., Simon P., Gareth G., Jacob Y., Lady_Leah, Devin M., David R., Will B., Stephan S., Sean S., Brian Y., William S., Path, William P., Tim D., Simon W., Jake C., Theo A., Heber R., Ben R., Vaughan A., Andrew M., Daniel S., Lars, Taylor H., Blarin R., Gervasio L., Adam D., Christopher C., Craig G., Kevin C., WreckMyPodcast, Charlie S., Witchdream, Anthony R., Sarah B., Dan C., Dani, and Lindsay F. Drive-Thru RPG:https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?affiliate_id=3002007Professional Casual Gear:https://teespring.com/stores/professionalcasualBuilt Bar (Use link or use code 'professionalcasual' at checkout for discount):https://builtbar.com#?baapp=PROFESSIONALCASUALUse Code 'professionalcasual' for 15% off RAZE Energy:https://reppsports.com/?rfsn=5472644.3e7a1c&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=5472644.3e7a1cSkillshare (get 2 months free, or 30% off the annual subscription):<a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fskillshare.eqcm.net%2FQ5mR9%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR00ZOS4ImPUKbbVunOwdEeGg91kLKkR9KGwRq2n46aWx2QPNd9vLT8nWVE&h=AT17ZULXrF_tgmVfID7Wgg2dQvWTvczC_QFkpaYw1S8tS4n2iowcjY3vGXed_nGbOEOEd2-mAvRaC9DrHUI1cYWxY-1pdAcUFZgPzwJ9RajDDBpcen9DvcNyyqL-jXm_JA" rel="noopener noreferrer"