(Matt Monday): 4 Crucial Steps to Know If Someone Is Right for You

(Matt Monday): 4 Crucial Steps to Know If Someone Is Right for You


Om episode

We tell ourselves we have high standards—but is that actually true? Or are we just prioritizing the wrong things? And what if we meet someone who’s perfect on paper, but there’s no spark? Can chemistry slowly grow, or is it something we either feel instantly . . . or never will? For today’s new episode, I sat down with Kristin Cavallari on her “Let’s Be Honest” podcast to talk about chemistry vs. compatibility, one of the biggest mistakes people make in dating, and what actually matters when you’re looking for a lasting relationship. --- ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in One Powerful Weekend. Learn More About my Weekend Retreat at →  http://www.MHWeekendRetreat.com