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99 episoder

Parmenides: A pre-Socratic philosopher who argued that reality is unchanging and that change is an illusion.
2024-08-16 • 2min

Heraclitus: Known for his doctrine that change is central to the universe.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Leonidas: King of Sparta who led the defense at the Battle of Thermopylae.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Miltiades: General at the Battle of Marathon.
2024-08-16 • 4min

Draco: An Athenian legislator known for his harsh legal code.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Solon: A lawmaker and poet who reformed the Athenian legal system.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Democritus: Known for his formulation of an atomic theory of the universe.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Anaximander: A pre-Socratic philosopher who created one of the first maps of the world.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Thales: An early pre-Socratic philosopher who predicted a solar eclipse.
2024-08-16 • 2min

Aesop: Famous for his fables.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Library of Alexandria: One of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world, founded in the Hellenistic period.
2024-08-16 • 4min

Epicureanism: A philosophy founded by Epicurus advocating for a life of pleasure and absence of pain.
2024-08-16 • 4min

Stoicism: A Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium.
2024-08-16 • 5min

Diogenes: A philosopher and one of the founders of Cynicism.
2024-08-16 • 4min

Gorgias: A pre-Socratic philosopher known for his nihilistic views.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Lyceum: Aristotle’s school in Athens, focused on teaching and research.
2024-08-16 • 3min

The Academy: Founded by Plato, one of the first institutions of higher learning.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Greek Fire: An incendiary weapon used in naval warfare.
2024-08-16 • 2min

Drachma: The currency used in ancient Greece.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Boule: A council of 500 citizens chosen to run daily affairs of the city.
2024-08-16 • 2min

Ecclesia: The principal assembly of the democracy of ancient Athens.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Metics: Foreigners living in Athens who had certain legal rights but were not citizens.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Spartan Agoge: The rigorous education and training program for Spartan boys.
2024-08-16 • 4min

Syssitia: Common meals in Sparta for male citizens.
2024-08-16 • 3min

Gymnosophists: Ancient Greek philosophers who practiced asceticism.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Colonization: Greeks established colonies across the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Drama Festivals: The City Dionysia in Athens was a major festival for dramatic performances.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Athletic Competitions: Besides the Olympics, other games included the Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian Games.
2024-08-15 • 2min

Epics: Long narrative poems like "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."
2024-08-15 • 4min

Stoa: Covered walkways or porticos, often used for public use.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Symposium: A social gathering where Greek men would discuss philosophy, politics, and poetry.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Gymnasium: A training facility for athletes and a place of socializing and learning.
2024-08-15 • 5min

Syracuse: A powerful Greek city-state in Sicily.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Macedonia: Kingdom to the north of Greece, rose to power under Philip II and Alexander the Great.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Hoplites: Heavily armed Greek infantrymen.
2024-08-15 • 5min

Phalanx: A military formation used by Greek hoplites.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Pericles: Influential Athenian leader during the Golden Age of Athens.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Jason and the Argonauts: Searched for the Golden Fleece.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Theseus: Hero known for slaying the Minotaur.
2024-08-15 • 2min

Heracles (Hercules): A hero known for his twelve labors.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Demeter: Goddess of agriculture.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Hera: Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Hades: God of the underworld.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Poseidon: God of the sea.
2024-08-15 • 5min

Dionysus: God of wine and revelry.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Hephaestus: God of blacksmiths and fire.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Hermes: Messenger of the gods.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty.
2024-08-15 • 3min

Artemis: Goddess of the hunt and the moon.
2024-08-15 • 4min

Apollo: God of the sun, music, and prophecy.
2024-08-15 • 6min