Ep 23: The Myth Of The Angry Black Woman
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Why is God’s greatest creation the most disrespected and most unprotected being in the world? In this episode, the 30 To Life crew analyze the myth of the angry black woman. Muki, Brown, and Cooley open the episode by exploring what some of these stereotypes are and why they exist. Brown shares knowledge into how the negative narrative of the black woman in the entertainment business started and how this narrative is still displayed today. The crew give their insight on the steps that should be taken to change the narrative. Tune in to listen to the guys debunk this myth while redefining the image of the black woman. Listen to new episodes every Wednesday as the 30 to Life crew discuss everyday millennial life and black culture. 30 to Life is more than a black podcast, it’s an experience. Please subscribe and review the podcast. Follow us on Instagram @30tolifepod