BLESS THIS MESS! | Janni Ayala & Rachel Anastasia discuss mom shaming, postpartum, the tiktok mom community, & how to support a mom friend
Om episode
In this episode, Janni and Rach really wanted to talk about the "17 diapers" trend that has circling around the tiktok mom community. This trend has opened up room for moms to share their experiences with motherhood on topics that are truly just not discussed, like postpartum rage, aggression, anxiety, depression, etc. and what that looked like for them. As always, we also shared some of our stories for you to know that it is normal and there is nothing wrong with you. These are just the parts of motherhood that are basically kept a secret until you experience them yourself. Trust and believe that you are not alone!!On the other side of it, we talked about the insane amount of mom shaming that comes out of women sharing their vulnerable truths. This shame comes from other moms, men, and people who don't even know what it's like to raise a child. It's sad but people are always going to point fingers and judge without knowing what really goes on behind the scenes of a mothers life. That's why, as a friend, we should all be checking in with these women/men in our life and lifting them up because as we all know, parenthood and life itself can be difficult.We hope through this episode you understand that these things do happen and if you need help it's okay find someone you can talk to. While things are hard remember there is still beauty in the struggle. One day our babies won't be babies anymore and the struggle would have just been a phase. It's going to be okay. Share your truths. Give yourself grace. Listen to no one who won't take a moment to understand. You're doing your best and that is more than enough. love,janni & rach (the young milfs)(We also want to share that we recorded this about a month ago. It was a great movement that brought mothers together but unfortunately recently there has been a lot of backlash on the mother that started this trend for her mistreating her toddler, and we don't stand with that.)