Adventures of Elliott & Oliver: Impromptu Bedtimes Stories
Once upon a time, there were two little boys named Elliott and Oliver... This has been the start to nightly stories for two little boys for over six years. As the stories progressed, characters and themes emerged and the stories became more than just transitions into the realm of slumber; they became tools for learning and understanding the world around them. Elliott and Oliver are diagnosed ASD/OCD and ADHD, conditions that inevitably wrap into the plots and often provide comfort and explanation through abstract means.For parents seeking safe, colorful bedtime stories for their children (as well as the child inside the parent), enjoy with us the random and whimsical adventures with us! To continue the adventure in written and illustrated form, enjoy the boys' adventure in the Cloud Islands at:
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Ep. 36: The Great Toothpaste Tasting

Ep. 33 Perceptive Perspective

Ep. 34 North Pole Hole

Ep 35: Short Trip Down a Long Elevator

Ep. 31 Alarms!!!

Ep. 32 Margret the Artist

Episode 27: New English

Episode 28: Asteroids!!!

Episode 29: The People's Fair

Episode 30: Oliver's Social Media

Episode 26: Sylvestor Spy is being monitored

Episode 24: Legomens

Episode 25: School Owners

Episode 21: Minecraft

Episode 22: Bears

Episode 23: Cowboy Jim's Applecorn

Episode 18: Astronaut Ian and the Core of Jupiter

Episode 19: Wizard of 3D Shapes' Jumpy Thing

Episode 20: Football Stars

Episode 16: I like to move it

Episode 17: Writer Piere Painting Poems

Episode 15: Teachers or "Totally worth it"

Episode 11: Marching Band

Episode 12: Robot Aliens

Episode 13: Metal Jazz

Episode 14: Golden Chest Meditation

Episode 9: Rats

Episode 10: Doors

Episode 7: Astronaut Ian

Episode 8: Ants

Episode 5: Jukebox Kings

Episode 6: Floor is Lava

Episode 4: Professor B and the Nubunubunubunububu bu

Episode 1: The Pigs

Episode 2: Smell-a-llama Smell-a-rama