Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed with guest Elisha Deva
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Elisha Deva. Elisha is an interdisciplinary thinker who has been researching social inequality for almost thirty years. Her degree is in Human Biology from Stanford, a multidisciplinary combination of anthropology, psychology and biology. After working for four years in neuroscience at UCLA, the politics and sexism drove her out of academia. Since then she's collected data across disciplines to interpret it for the public, reading every book, article, and paper she could find on the rise of dominance in the Bronze Age. She's travelled the world, visiting matrilineal cultures and searching museums for clues to our ancient past. Meanwhile, she worked as a computer engineer on the forefront of creating the Internet in the 90s, built a wilderness retreat, and developed a trauma-informed healing practice.