Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed - Natural Healing and Herbal Medicine
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this is a replay of Q&A session with women's health expert Susun Weed. Natural Healing topics covered include herbal medicine remedies: nettle lashing for anti-imflammatory relief of joint pain due to tendonitis or arthritis; yellow dock root tincture acts fast to relieve severe constipation, plain yogurt and whole foods for better regularity; cleavers infusion for prevention of lymphodemia, poke root tincture in case of emergency; prevention of osteoporosis whole milk organic yogurt in your daily diet, and nourishing herbal infusions to include simples of Nettle leaf, red clover blossom, and oatstraw; help for thyroid problems with seaweed as a food and bladderwrack tea; get rid of post nasal drip with echinacea root tincture and horseradish root....enjoy and call in on Tuesday to ask your own health question.