Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed and Alive with Diabetes with Amy Ryan
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Susun Weed answers herbal health questions for 90 minutes and then has a 30 minute interview with Amy Ryan. Amy F. Ryan lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with her family. She is a graduate of the University of Virginia and the Georgetown University Law Center. She practices law in Washington, D.C., specializing in the commercialization of new medical technologies. Amy has had Type 1 diabetes for nearly 20 years. She wrote SHOT: Staying Alive with Diabetes to create a readable account of this very difficult disease, one that would be different from the numerous "how-to" books about diabetes. She wanted a book that could be shared with family, friends, and others, to raise awareness about what life is really like for those with T1Diabetes. this episode Q&A-includes: • anti-inflammatory? linden infusion and comfrey infusions • best herb for hair? nettles- infusion of course! • how to make burdock seed oil for the scalp • herbalism is allopathic medicine.. • kelp is the best seaweed to help us through difficulties.. • colonics and enemas remove bacteria from the colon.. we need bacteria in our intestines! • cook your vegetables for long enough for maximum digestion. • yellow dock tincture to keep the bowels regular- safe to take daily.. • function of estrogen and progesterone throughout a womans cycle.. • organic liver to raise iron levels.. • best blood stopping herbs- ladies mantel, witch hazel tincture, shepards purse tincture.. • all mushrooms have the ability to prevent cancer.. • HPV? St. Joans Wort and astragalus tincture • artemisia vulgaris- crone wort- make vinegar with young leaves and roots..