Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed and the Divine with Jennifer Urezzio
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health Questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Jennifer Urezzio. Jennifer Urezzio specializes in helping people connect -- to themselves, to each other and to the Divine. She founded a new paradigm, Soul Language, which provides guidance for understanding our true nature and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness. Jennifer has a new book, Soul Language -- Consciously Connecting With Your Soul for Success, that just came out November 7th. this episode Q&A- includes: • fertility issues? aboriginal beliefe of calling the baby to join you before conceiving.. • vegetarianism for the sake of ahimsa- if you want to stay alive you must eat life- animals and plants equal in spirit. • weight gain after menopause is healthy if you are fit.. • chronic lyme disease- use fresh plant tincture of skullcap and astragalus infusion • abortion? go to a clinic and use herbs before and after to take care of yourself, but not to abort.. • herniated disc- try St. Joan's Wort tincture made from fresh plant material and use as much as you need! • get your blood pressure down with a meditation practice and hawthorn and motherwort.. • comfrey leaf infusion for tendons and ligaments..