Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Dr. Robert Hustrulid on Marriage & Divorce
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Rober Hustrulid. Dr. Robert Hustrulid has been married and divorced twice. He has two children from his first marriage and he watched them struggle with the negative consequences of the marital disruptions. As a physician practicing for more than 40 years, he also watched many others going through the same thing and wondered what, if anything, could be done to prevent the pain and suffering so many people experience. He shares his insightful breakthroughs in a new book, titled, Men Donít Marry for Sex: Overturning the Assumptions on Why Men and Women Get Married. this episode Q&A includes: • raw milk... • hurt shoulder- comfrey, hypericum and skullcap.. • sciatic pain- hypericum periforatum for pain in the nerve.. • traumatic injury- we're made of atoms- we are caught up in illusion of solidity.. • degernerative disc disease- hypericum! • amalgam fillings- Susun loves them, but do not destroy your health by removing them.. • Susun is not concerned with detoxifying- she has complete trust her body will get rid of what it doesn't need- her job is nourishment.. • difference between tea, infusions and tinctures.. • atrial fibrillation • leaky gut and slippery elm balls, comfrey, linden.. • torn meniscus and comfrey infusion.. • corn silk infusion