Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Successful Communication Laurie Burton
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Laurie Burton. Laurie Burton is an internationally recognized innovator and author who has helped thousands of people improve their ability to communicate effectively, thereby creating more success in business and in life. The author of, Presenting You, Laurie’s techniques generate dramatic results in an amazingly short time from one-on-one coaching, to seminars, to corporate groups. Promoting the use of each individual’s unique passion, energy and animation, she encourages attendees to her workshops to be comfortable with themselves, creating more effective opportunities to lead, inspire, express, convince and sell! this episode Q&A includes: • hypericum tincture and skullcap tincture for pain and dosing suggestions.. • high blood pressure- hawthorn, motherwort, tai chi, yoga, movement.. • water retention- cleavers tincture, cardiovascular exercise, legs up the wall.. • walking builds a sense of connectivity and community providing longevity.. • aloe vera not safe internally.. • essiac- how about burdock or yellow dock decoction or vinegar.. • rumex species- seeds and roots can be used interchangeably.. • experiment with herbs!! • how to love yourself when recovering from illnesses and injuries.. • medical abortion is much safer than herbal abortion.. • healing cut cervix after birth with comfrey leaf infusion sitz bath.. • pre eclampsia and protein intake.. • astragalus for lyme prevention, yarrow tincture and pyrethrum to repel ticks.. • osteopenia- milks and nutrition..