Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Quantum Coaching Katie Hendricks
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Katie Hendricks, Ph.D., Board-Certified Dance/Movement Therapist since 1975, has been a pioneer in the field of body intelligence and thriving relationships for over 40 years. She has taught a unique system of Quantum Coaching for several decades that is utilized by practitioners all over the world and developed an advanced Leadership and Transformation Program that embodies full-spectrum presence, deep connection, and the freedom to improvise with life. She has appeared on over 500 radio and television programs and flown over one million air miles sharing her work. She has co-authored eleven books with her husband Gay Hendricks, including the best-selling Conscious Loving, At The Speed of Life and the newly released Conscious Loving Ever After. Kathlyn's current focus is to give legs to the mission of their non-profit Foundation for Conscious Living. this week Q&A includes: • comfrey leaf poultice made from infusion herb for in grown hairs.. • wise traditions is a resource for the benefits of eating animal products.. • over cooling colds and over heating colds.. • butter is not made into ghee for health reasons- it is for preservation reasons.. • you like every other living thing deserves to be nourished.. • If you really want to change the way animals are treated, you must eat meat- pasture raised, hormone, antibiotic free.. • c. difficile- dannon full fat plain yogurt, soil bacteria... • alkaline and acidic foods, effects on the vagina... • swollen salivary glands- comfrey leaf infusion, chewing on plantain leaves, violet leaf infusions.. • intense menstrual cramps- emotional, symbolic, psychological, physical and inability to clear hormones from blood.. • animal fats, seed oils, vegetable oils, fruit oils..