Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Steamy Chick Keli Garza
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Keli Garza. Keli is the founder and owner of Chick Food Inc and the creator of Steamy Chick products. Keli has been researching the practice of vaginal steaming and using it in her own self-care since 2010. Keli lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two little girls. Kelly's Website is this episode Q&A includes: • plantar's fascitis- what are the symptoms? do not wear heels, go bare foot, drink comfrey infusions and soak or compress with comfrey.. • hesitant to use antibiotics when undergoing bone graft- antibiotics are very important in these situations- find a class of antibiotics you can work with... • if you're concerned with your microbiome, throw away all products that contain essential oils.. • cook your kale for a minimum of one hour.. • leading cause of food poisoning in the United States is eating raw greens primarily blended up into smoothies.. • a broad diet includes eating fish at least once a week, meat at least once a week, eggs at least twice a week.. • during menopause women produce more hormones than any other time- extra nutrition, take better care of yourself... • 'Breast Cancer? Breast Health!'- Building powerful immunity, anti cancer foods.. • how to make a tincture- use 100 proof vodka..