Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Soul Reader & Artist Kathy Crabbe
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Kathy Crabbe. Soul Reader, artist and Lefty Oracle Deck creator, Kathy Crabbe helps awaken your intuition, break through creative blocks and identify your gifts. Kathy’s work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine and San Diego Women’s History Museum. She has taught Divine Feminine Moon Classes at Wise Woman University, Mt. San Jacinto College and appeared on HGTV along with starting a writer’s group and artist’s circle in her town. Kathy lives in Temecula, California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves. Catch Kathy’s moonthly art giveaways in her New Moon Museletter at Kathy’s newest project is her 54-card Lefty Oracle Deck, painted entirely with her non dominant left hand to help you strengthen your intuition, break through creative blocks and identify your gifts. Perfect for individuals AND groups! this episode Q&A includes: • possible type 1 herpes in the mouth- swollen gums and sores- hypericum tincture.. • brain aneurysm and bringing someone out of a coma- moral choice, laughter, annoyance, inspiration.. • comfrey- where to purchase, what variety? • osteoporosis- do not treat the disease, treat ability to be flexible- walk, gentle yoga, tai chi, chi kung- consume yogurt.. • shiitake mushrooms as a source of vitamin D.. • grain alcohol is 99% alcohol- if you want to use tinctures freely and safely, use 100 proof vodka.. • sleep issues and achieving meditative calmness.. • giardia- antibiotics and wormwood.. • starting a women's circle- shaman, priestess, witch- hold steady and lead..