Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed and guest, Kerrie Wearing
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Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute inter view with her guest, Kerrie Wearing. Kerrie Wearing is a modern medium, passionate about supporting women to connect to their soul and it's essence of the Divine Feminine. Where you find that you embody your purpose by showing up as a being that is sensual, confident, creative, intuitive and being energetically aligned, enabling us to expand our Mediumship. With her work spanning more than 20 years, Kerrie is the author of A New Kind of Normal:Unlock the Medium within and Wisdom of the Soul: How to live life created with love & inspiration made simple and right now loves supporting women online with her Creative Heart Feminine Spirit Academy. Kerrie lives in Sydney Australia with her partner, our furbabies, loves being mum to her two adult children and is a not so secret country music fan. Q & A topics in this episode include: chemical sensitivityconstipationshooting pains in hands & feetcorneal abrasionlichen sclerousdo masks casue breathing or lung problems?edema