Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed with guest, Hippie Witch Joanna DeVoe
Om avsnittet
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest, Hippie with Joanna DeVoe. Joanna DeVoe is the life-loving creatrix behind all things Kickass Witch... and the author of several books & online programs, including Biz Witch 101 and QUEEN : A Five Week Audio Journey To Reclaim Your Personal Sovereignty. She also hosts a popular weekly podcast, Hippie Witch : Magick For New Age... and offers a variety of content designed to help create the kickass life of your dreams. http:// Q & A topics include: fertility testing/hormone levelsstory medicine/holding memoriescanker sorescirrhosis of the livercataractstooth abcess/antibioticsgum health/rebuilding tissuepine needlesusing dried yarrowcirculatory issues