Om avsnittet
Hoo boy! We talk about the Beatles' Americana influenced studio album and we revel in the beauty of In My Life and talk about the small joys of Ringo singing country. We also talk about how much we love Norweigen Wood and how many smart people think it is a top 5 Beatles song. We also discuss dressing up as John Lennon in high school, how and since we are now older, we ponder our mortality by discussing how much CBD water to put in our go bag and what songs we want at our funerals. This is a legally binding document) We pull a switcharoo and Aaron comes in hot with a list of the best breakup songs that we all know and love. Then we do what all music podcasts do and break down the members of Slobberbone and talk a lot about Wilson Phillips. A lot. Obviously we do not get off track in this episode and we stick to the topic at hand! If you love us or hate us and want to get a hold of us, you can either talk to Russ on Bumble or call the beck line at 802-2770-2325 (Beck) Email us at and follow us @beckdiditbetter on Twitter and Instagram. I would love it if someone followed us who is not just promoting their own podcast.
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229. Patsy Cline: The Ultimate Collection (2000)

228. De La Soul: De La Soul Is Dead (1991)

227. Little Richard: Here's Little Richard (1956)

225. Derek and the Dominos: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (1970)

225. Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

224. The Chicks: Fly (1999)

223. John Lennon: Imagine (1971)

The Pervert Hour at Pervert Corner

222. Madonna: Ray of Light (1998)