Marvin Gaye: Whats Going On (with all this jazz flute?)

Marvin Gaye: Whats Going On (with all this jazz flute?)


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In this timely episode, we talk about Marvin Gaye's classic "What's Going On" and how his words ring as true now as they did in 1971. Before we get too deep into the percussion and sublime vocals, we take a detour to talk about two VERY important things.  1. Rob's top 10 commandments from dating in his younger years and his embarrassing reaction to getting dumped  2. How Sisqo ripped off the Beatles to make one of his many hit songs and why he has that grey hair (Hint: Look to the old testament!)    Russ gets a record player and we then explore the wild world of the Jazz Flute. Who is the best? What does a Jazz flute look like? Why is the target all out of Jazz Flute records? Why does Russell's mom have hundreds of these albums (or did before Russ stole them.)    Take a look at this picture and you will see why this is now a Herbie Mann Podcast. Sorry, not sorry.    We also pick some songs to play while we max out our deadlifts. Everyone on the podcast definitely knows what a deadlift is.    Email us at and find us on Instagram and twitter @beckdiditbetter.    Call the Beck Line at 802 277 2325 (Beck)