Stevie Wonder: Songs in the Key of Life (... and it's HotDog Night!)

Stevie Wonder: Songs in the Key of Life (... and it's HotDog Night!)


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WARNING: If you are new to the podcast, just skip the intro.  We are up to album 4 on the list, Stevie Wonder's monster double album Songs in the Key of life. We discuss Stevie's third straight album of the year and the length of the songs.  We also get into our biggest flying pet peeves, yacht rock and the joys of having a simple hotdog night (even if you don't have a microwave.)  We also debut the hit new segment called "Making fun of Aaron." What happens in the segment may or may not surprise you.  Contact us at and follow us @beckdiditbetter on Instagram and Twitter.  Don't want us making fun of Aaron so much? Call the BECK LINE at 802 277 2325 (BECK) AGAIN SORRY ABOUT THE INTRO!!! IT WAS AARON'S IDEA.