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This is becoming a Radiohead podcast! We are covering OK Computer on the podcast this week and listening to what many consider to be one of the top albums of all time! Russ has yet another disaster of a date with the serial returner and we talk about etiquette when out to eat when dating vs. when you are married. Matt is talking about his little league coaching and Rob touches on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Then we listen to our second Radiohead album and we chop it up! No one is still reading this so why do I bother? Just listen or not. Either way, we judge ourselves by downloads so be sure to at least download it. Call the BECK LINE at 802 277 BECK or email us at Follow us on instagram or twitter at @beckdiditbetter Next week we are a Tribe Called Quest podcast covering A low end theory.
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229. Patsy Cline: The Ultimate Collection (2000)

228. De La Soul: De La Soul Is Dead (1991)

227. Little Richard: Here's Little Richard (1956)

225. Derek and the Dominos: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (1970)

225. Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

224. The Chicks: Fly (1999)

223. John Lennon: Imagine (1971)

The Pervert Hour at Pervert Corner

222. Madonna: Ray of Light (1998)