PJ Harvey: Rid of Me (1993)

PJ Harvey: Rid of Me (1993)


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Hear ye! Hear ye! Gather around to hear the story of the Assembly Man. We get into the album of PJ Harvey and talk about how much we enjoyed the second half.   But first we interact with our very nice and very smart fans with the first every "These Three Dueds" and then we continue the DVD tournament. Matt is furthering his kids' educations in North Dakota and Aaron is having a good day with food and a bad day with something or other.  We have plenty of voicemails but feel free to call 802-277 BECK and be part of the show. Visit our merch store as well.   Next week, the album from the Film "Amazing Grace" by Aretha Franklin.    See, I got this out by 10 am JOE!