How to free yourself of hurt, anger and expectations | Offering the gift of forgiveness

How to free yourself of hurt, anger and expectations | Offering the gift of forgiveness


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"Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself, not a gift you give someone else." – Tony Robbins We will always carry anger and hurt in our hearts as long as we have expectations of other people and life conditions we can’t control. But that built-up resentment only ends up hurting you. As Nelson Mandela said, "Resentment is like drinking a poison and then waiting for the other person to die." Forgiveness is understanding that the only person you hurt when you’re upset – no matter how justified it may be – is yourself. In this episode, you'll hear from two people who carried resentment with them from past events and expectations – and didn't even know it. But once they released the blame they held in their hearts, they experienced a level of freedom and strength of spirit. Hear the stories of Sarah Foley and Dimple Thakrar, both in entirely different situations, but tied together by the common thread of the power of forgiveness. To learn more about the gift of forgiveness, visit