A Bitter Sweet Symphony

A Bitter Sweet Symphony


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"A Bitter Sweet Symphony" is a thought-provoking song from the English alternative rock band The Verve, which was released in 1997. The introspective lyrics of the song explore themes of mortality, self-reflection, and the pursuit of happiness. The chorus of the song is particularly memorable, featuring the line, "I'm a million different people from one day to the next." This season, Roma's journey has been reminiscent of a bitter sweet symphony, with the team oscillating between brilliant performances and absurd disasters, as seen in their recent game against Lazio in the Derby della Capitale. During this episode, we delve into the reasons behind this fluctuating attitude of our players, examining factors such as mentality and stamina, among others. Daje Roma!! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2_romanisti_in_sweden/ Twitter: @2RomanistiSwe email: 2romanistinsweden@gmail.com



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