EP 23 - Ice T Tweets 2Pac & Ice Cube Footage, Eminem Labels 2Pac The Greatest Songwriter, Dear Mama is released in HD on YouTube! | 2Pac Music Podcast hosted by DJ Skandalous

EP 23 - Ice T Tweets 2Pac & Ice Cube Footage, Eminem Labels 2Pac The Greatest Songwriter, Dear Mama is released in HD on YouTube! | 2Pac Music Podcast hosted by DJ Skandalous


Om avsnittet

On this episode, DJ Skandalous breaks down three recent 2Pac related news! - Ice T Tweets rare 1993 Video with Ice Cube and 2Pac In The Studio Together! - Eminem claims 2Pac is the greatest songwriter of all time! - 2Pac's Dear Mama Music Video is issued on YouTube in 1080P HD!