Special Episode # 03 - Bruce McLaughlin - False Allegations of Sexual Assault

Special Episode # 03 - Bruce McLaughlin - False Allegations of Sexual Assault


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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the American Justice Podcast "Special Episodes". As we continue to work on production of the second season, we're bringing you a story today of some false allegations made against a father, a husband, a human being. As a criminal defense attorney falsely accused and jailed during an emotionally charged divorce, McLaughlin found himself ill-prepared for the challenges to proving his innocence. “More than 80% of abuse accusations leveled amid divorce proceedings prove to be false,” McLaughlin has since learned. He was one of the very, very few with the expertise, resources, and network necessary to eventually overturn his conviction—after spending 4 years in jail for an abhorrent crime he did not commit. Bruce’s eventual redemption allowed him to restore his law license, reputation, and life. He continues to rebuild his relationship with his four children. In the links below, you can learn more about Mr. McLaughlin's story, buy his book, and contact him if you are in need of legal advice. Bruce's Story: https://www.hesaidshesaidbook.com/​ Amazon Link: https://tinyurl.com/8ur85vbs​ Contact: https://www.hesaidshesaidbook.com/form/​ Where to Listen: Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/american-justice-podcast/id1442874178 Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/american-justice/s1e1-brandon-woodruff-case-overview Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5y7UVzvchLxJYbrceVTbvX Online - www.americanjusticepodcast.com If you would like to submit a question for next week's episode, you can reach is in any of the following ways: https://www.facebook.com/americanjusticepodcast https://www.instagram.com/americanjusticepodcast/ https://www.twitter.com/ajusticepodcast https://www.americanjusticepodcast.com Voicemail: (972) 942-0444 Email: info@americanjusticepodcast.com You can read more about Brandon Woodruff's case and the documentary in production about his case here: www.freebrandon.org You can reach the hosts here - Scott Poggensee Email - Scott@AtuAProductions.com www.facebook.com/scott.poggensee www.twitter.com/moonscare1 C. Derick Miller www.cderickmiller.com https://www.facebook.com/howlgrowlsnarl https://twitter.com/howlgrowlsnarl https://www.instagram.com/howlgrowlsn/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCylWekMVEiop3uAPi1MAQ_w https://howlgrowlsnarl.podbean.com/ https://open.spotify.com/user/chadandnez?si=BICZNwedTBCSsdtz90PTNg




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