Jack Dorsey Likes Bitcoin | 4 Minute Crypto S1E48

Jack Dorsey Likes Bitcoin | 4 Minute Crypto S1E48


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Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and the Square payment company expressed his positive thoughts for crypto as he stood on stage at the Consensus conference, saying that Bitcoin should be the crypto of the internet. Subscribe and Watch the 4 Minute Crypto Video Episodes @ 4MinuteCrypto.com/YouTube Make sure and visit CryptoCousins.com for extra content. Call with your questions or comments at (747) 777-9471 If you are interested in a Crypto Mining Machine, take a look at the Ethan Miner at TurnkeyMining.com WorldWideWallets.com is another great resource if you are looking for a crypto wallet. GET $10 WORTH OF BITCOIN FREE: Create an account on Coinbase using the affiliate link @ CryptoCousins.com/Coinbase TRY THE BINANCE CRYPTO EXCHANGE AT:  CryptoCousins.com/Binance  DISCLAIMER: This article should not be taken as is, and is not intended to provide, investment advice. Please conduct your own thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency.