Alien Abductions Hidden By Screen Memories

Alien Abductions Hidden By Screen Memories


Om avsnittet

In 2004, at the age of 53, I found out by accident that I was taken aboard a spacecraft with a friend of mine at the age of 8 or 9. I am 72 now. Many of the memories of my childhood are not what I thought they were. And at times, I am not sure what memories are real and which are the screen memories implanted by the ET's so that I would forget what happened. I have been regressed 7 times by 4 different regression hypnotists, twice by Dolores Cannon herself. Each successive hypnotist confirmed the findings of the previous one, so there is finally no doubt these events actually happened to me. This is my book about a seminal moment in my life during my alien abductions. The chapters are blow by blow accounts of my regression tapes and were transcribed by me into this book.BioI have been researching Sasquatch for well over a decade. I have led expeditions into the deep forests of America. I have seen them, heard them, and seen incredible physical evidence of their actual existence. I have also interviewed over 200 witnesses and counting. They have told me some fascinating events, some of which defy logic. Yet, I continue to hear these claims over and over. A pattern of behavior and possible esoteric skill sets has emerged, and these HAVE to be investigated, and should at least be CONSIDERED by anyone calling themselves a researcher. I am not saying you must believe, but at least consider that perhaps, some of what you hear might actually be happening. These witnesses, and the public, need your open mind.I have led four public expeditions, consulted on 2 Finding Bigfoot TV shows for Animal Planet, had close to 100 reports published to a well known Sasquatch page and I continue to physically monitor ongoing Sasquatch activity at multiple public & private locations.