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2025 is the year that the whole world will finally know the truth: We Have Never Been Alone. Throughout the history of reported extraterrestrial encounters, a recurring theme emerges: advanced beings sharing messages of love, compassion, and universal harmony. From contactee accounts to modern experiences, these communications consistently emphasize the importance of spiritual growth and collective consciousness evolution.If you want to better understand UFOs, this is a comprehensive book that contains important facts and research that will expand your mind. You will learn about:- The 2025 Disclosure- Historical Evidence of Visitations- Global UFO Perspectives- Indigenous Star People- Archaeological Evidence- UFO Experts- Extraterrestrial SpiritualityThe book is dedicated to UFO heroes Richard Dolan, Harry Sheehan, and Ross Coulthart. Leading UFO researcher, Richard Dolan, writes about the intersection of extraterrestrial phenomena and spirituality, particularly in how these encounters challenge conventional materialistic views. He suggests that many UFO-related experiences involve elements of consciousness and telepathy, which imply a deeper spiritual or metaphysical dimension to these phenomena.Many contactees report that their extraterrestrial encounters focused primarily on teachings about universal love and the interconnectedness of all life. They report that extraterrestrials teach about the transcendence of fear through love. A consistent message involves moving beyond fear-based reactions to embrace love as the fundamental force of the universe. This transformation is described as crucial for advancing civilization.This book proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that extraterrestrial;s are real... and here to help, not harm.BioJohn has witnessed several UFOs and had contact with an extraterrestrial that helped him meet his native american mentor.John Pritchard is an award-winning educational filmmaker and author. He has been a multimedia consultant for Apple, The New York Times, and many Fortune 500/Wall Street firms (1987-2007). In 1993, Pritchard won the $100,000 McGraw-Hill New Media Design Contest. In 2017, he won Best Indigenous Film at the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival in Australia for One Heart-One Spirit, and was also a winner at the 2023 Los Angeles Awareness Film Festival for We All Just Need to Gong! He has produced many interactive ebooks and his 2012 movie-in-a-book: Reawaken. Pritchard has also designed comprehensive online video courses such as Freddy’s Guide to Creative Improvisation featuring Fred Lipsius of Blood, Sweat & Tears and Moving Beyond Mindfulness by Súle Greg Wilson. He is currently working on his newest movie, Beat As One: We Are All Connected. Learn more at