Animal TikTok with Mamadou Ndiaye (@mndiaye_97)

Animal TikTok with Mamadou Ndiaye (@mndiaye_97)


Om avsnittet

Dena and Melissa welcome Animal Tok star Mamadou Ndiaye (@mndiaye_97) to the podcast this week! He tells us about his new book 100 Animals That Can F*cking End You. It’s a must-have for any TikTok aficionado — the ultimate countdown to merk by animal, featuring everything from tiny bugs that can turn you into a hashtag to animals so massive they can murder you by accident — all written as if you’re watching Mamadou’s TikTok videos. We learn that he downloaded TikTok in April 2020 and made his first video. Since then he has been followed by more than 14 million people on the app, and his YouTube videos featuring his distinctive takes on animal biology and behavior have been viewed 62 million times. His favorite creators include: @lindsaynikole, @jayprehistoricpets, @coyotepetersonofficial.   Check out all the videos we mention and more on our blog (, Instagram (@2old4tiktokpod), and TikTok (@2old4tiktok_podcast).