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The show goes on with tonight's TEST BALL, TOO-- potentially an interseasonal sequel, but what's in a name? Formerly NEW BALL, this serving finds Q'Ellen appeasing the fellas-- go figure-- with testosterone test kits to send away via the post-- all in time, no less, to host the quarterly Noot Vistas Get-Together. Are you a West Side ride or die type? Or are you on some East Coast shit? Sit back and let this serving of TEST BALL, TOO decide for you! As always, COME... COME... COME HAVE A BALL! "Tonight's shit is East Meets West, no trinkets." -- Lou Featuring the Voices of Tim Rager, Alex Delesky and Kelsey Volk, with Rob Adie as BERT, Vin Brue as VINO, Jon Beecroft as BENNY and Joe Weber as GERAULT. ALL PRAISE AND THANKS DUE TO THA GOD HEAD ANCHOR. EPISODE 2.3 -- CAMP BALL SLOOP-- COMING SOON!