BBC Inside Science
A weekly programme that illuminates the mysteries and challenges the controversies behind the science that's changing our world.
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588 avsnitt

Cassini’s death, scrapping diesel, weather balloon, satellites monitoring volcanos
2017-04-20 • 28min

23andMe Genetic Sequencing, Human Knockout genes, Coral Bleaching
2017-04-13 • 27min

Creation of island Britain, Sleep gene, Mary Kelly forensics, Global Tree Search survey
2017-04-06 • 27min

Climate change and extreme weather; Primate brain size; Earthquake forecasting; Planet 9
2017-03-30 • 28min

Comet 67P images; Etna eruption; Brain navigation; Octopus intelligence
2017-03-23 • 28min

Boaty McBoatface in Antarctica, Aeroplane biofuels, Bakhshali manuscript, Goldilocks zones
2017-03-16 • 28min

Rise of the Robots: 3. Where is my mind?
2017-03-15 • 27min

Cells and Celluloid: Aliens on Film
2017-03-09 • 57min

Rise of the Robots: 2. More human than human
2017-03-06 • 28min

Rise of the Robots: 1. The history of things to come
2017-03-03 • 28min

Earth's Earliest Life, The Benefits of Pollution, Sexuality and Science and New ideas on Evolution
2017-03-02 • 29min

The perils of fake science news, The neanderthal inside us, What The Beatles really sang - statistically speaking
2017-02-23 • 28min

Science and cyber security, Dinosaur babies, Winston Churchill and level crossings
2017-02-16 • 28min

Measuring human impact on earth, Awards for engineers, Sounds of space junk.
2017-02-09 • 28min

Wildlife trafficking, New quantum computers, Ancient bird beaks, Glassblowing.
2017-02-02 • 28min

Crime, volcanoes, ghosts and how we are influenced by the genes of unrelated others
2017-01-26 • 28min

Antarctic science rescue, Killing cancer with viruses, Measuring wind from space and the Last man on the moon
2017-01-19 • 28min

The perils of explaining science, Living to 500, What's good for your teeth and The future of stargazing
2017-01-12 • 31min

RIP Granny the oldest Orca - Graphene + Silly Putty - Moving a Giant Magnet - Space in 2017
2017-01-05 • 33min

Listeners' Questions
2016-12-29 • 44min

Inuits and Denisovans, Sex and woodlice, Peace through particle physics, Caspar the octopus in peril?
2016-12-22 • 28min

Rock traces of life on Mars, Desert fireball network, Gut microbes and Parkinson's Disease, Science Museum's maths exhibition
2016-12-08 • 36min

Alzheimers research, Lucy in the Scanner, Smart bandages, From supernovae to Hollywood
2016-12-01 • 33min

Predator bacteria therapy, New money for UK science, Stick-on stethoscope, Taming fears in the brain scanner
2016-11-24 • 27min

Does Pluto have an ocean, Antarctica's oldest ice, Meat emissions, Swifts fly ten months non-stop
2016-11-17 • 28min

Climate change questions, Animal computer interaction, Sounds and meaning across world's languages
2016-11-10 • 28min

Italy's quakes, Ebola virus, Accidental rocket fuel, China in space
2016-11-03 • 27min

Making mozzies safe with a microbe, CO2 at 400 ppm, Chixculub crater rocks, Why Mars Lander failed
2016-10-27 • 31min

HFC Ban; Human Cell Atlas; Origin of Hunting with Dogs
2016-10-20 • 30min

Life on Mars? Quantum Gravity. The deep origins of bird song
2016-10-13 • 29min

Microbead impact, Remote animal logging, Royal Society book prize, Surgewatch
2016-09-08 • 29min

Proxima b exoplanet, The Hunt for Vulcan, East Antarctic lakes, Deep sea shark hunting
2016-08-25 • 28min

Autonomous cars, Bees and neonicotinoids, Marden Henge, Royal Society Book Prize
2016-08-18 • 28min

Blow to the LHC "bump", Crow intelligence, Robot mudskippers, Royal Society book prize
2016-08-11 • 28min

Signs of life on planets, Royal Society Book Prize, Queen Bee control, Galactic Prom 29
2016-08-04 • 27min

Dinosaur extinction, Neanderthals in Gibraltar, Music appreciation, A year of New Horizons
2016-07-14 • 28min

Juno, Space debris, Fake tumours, Risky plants
2016-07-07 • 28min

Juno, Nanotech art conservation, Robots fix the city, Eel conservation
2016-06-30 • 27min

National Insect Week, Venus' electric field, Green mining, Wimbledon grass science
2016-06-23 • 28min

More gravitational waves; Ocean floor mapping; Selfish Gene 40th; Spoonies
2016-06-16 • 30min

Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance
2016-06-09 • 32min

Fixing the Future
2016-06-02 • 27min

GM plants; Svalbard Seed Vault; Directed Evolution; Dolphin Snot
2016-05-26 • 32min

Climate Change, State of the World's Plants, Antibiotic Resistance, Telephone Metadata, Bat Detective
2016-05-19 • 29min

Genetics and education, Eyam plague, Pint of science, Labradors and chocolate
2016-05-12 • 27min

Human embryos, Transit of Mercury, Fishackathon, Fat labradors
2016-05-05 • 28min

Chernobyl, Drones, Tree crickets, Cern
2016-04-28 • 32min

EU membership and UK science, Quantum games, Fixing genes
2016-04-21 • 27min

Breakthrough Starshot, Moon mining, QB50, Solar Q&A
2016-04-14 • 28min

Air pollution monitoring, Britain breathing, Tracking Hannibal
2016-04-07 • 27min