Jordan Peterson: The Alchemical Lemon explains the Crystalline Structure of Logos
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Chris and Matt finally discuss the big kahuna Jordan Peterson by taking a deep dive into his extended 2017 interview on the Transliminal YouTube channel titled 'Ideology, Logos & Belief'.They learn about the alchemical nature of lemons, whether a professional footballer is playing a game or living life, and Jordan Peterson's crystal clear views on the nature of Jesus & his resurrection.Some people will say this episode is too cynical, but it's like... 'No. It isn't, man!' And furthermore, it's not at all obvious that we actually know... on a fundamental level... what cynicism is! It's mysterious and there is a lot we do not know.LinksJordan Peterson's 2017 interview on TransliminalA Transcript of the InterviewA Good (but very critical) article on JBP by Nathan Robinson at Current AffairsAn article by JBP's old mentor suggesting his long term goal was to become a religious guru