Ben Taylor on the Most Over- and Underrated All-Time Players
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Click to subscribe via RSS feed or iTunes.Ben Taylor discusses his wonderful series ranking the greatest players of all-time for his site We use that as the vehicle to dig into some new concepts like floor-raising, and scalability among the greatest players of all-time. We talk about how Wilt Chamberlain's game greatly differed from most people's conception of him, which players he rates higher and lower than the popular understanding, and which players were better and worse in the playoffs.With host Nate Duncan (@NateDuncanNBA) and Danny Leroux (@DannyLeroux). And if you like this pod, please donate to support Nate and Danny at Merchandise available at Subscribe to Dunc’d On Prime, the only place to get every episode with Nate & Danny, plus every pod with John Hollinger & Nate as well! DuncdOn.SupportingCast.FMSubscribe on YouTube to see our hilarious faces and, more importantly, see watch this free pod twice a week.Or, sign up for our FREE mailing list to get Dan Feldman's Daily Duncs with all the major topics around the league twice a week.