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88 avsnitt

1. Alcohol and the pleasure of intoxication with James Nicholls
2025-01-24 • 16min

Young people and disposable e-cigarettes with David Hammond
2024-08-08 • 22min

Opioids, cancer and mortality with Aleksi Hamina
2024-07-18 • 13min

Cannabis potency and psychotic experiences with Lindsey Hines
2024-06-06 • 25min

Cannabis use in the US with Jonathan Caulkins
2024-05-22 • 22min

Integrated care vans with Kathleen Page
2024-05-09 • 26min

Smoking and abdominal obesity with Germán Carrasquilla
2024-05-02 • 17min

Benzodiazepines and treatment with Adam Bakker, Michael Liebrenz and Alexander Smith
2024-04-25 • 23min

Contingency management with Gabriela Khazanov, James, McKay and Richard Rawson
2024-04-17 • 27min

Xylazine, heroin and drug markets with Caroline Copeland
2024-04-09 • 20min

Synthetic opioid production in Europe with Paul Griffiths
2024-04-04 • 33min

Alcohol-free drinks in the US with Molly Bowdring
2024-02-26 • 17min

Gambling advertising with Philip Newall
2024-02-08 • 32min

Addiction and definitions with Robert West
2023-12-19 • 18min

Nitrous oxide, addiction and substance use disorder with Sammie Back and Emese Kroon
2023-12-12 • 24min

Pregnancy and opioids with Jerry Cochran
2023-12-05 • 20min

Minimum unit pricing and road traffic accidents with Francesco Manca
2023-11-28 • 25min

Mental health and social care with Amy O'Donnell and Kat Jackson
2023-11-21 • 35min

Smoking cessation trials with Zoe Swithenbank
2023-10-26 • 25min

Drug Consumption rooms with Laurence Lalanne
2023-10-18 • 20min

Drug consumption rooms with Marie Jauffret-Roustide
2023-10-18 • 37min

Drones delivering Naloxone with Caroline Copeland, Patrick Courtney and Paul Royall
2023-10-12 • 28min

Canadian low-risk drinking guidelines
2023-10-05 • 40min

Social media and alcohol with Brandon Cheng
2023-09-26 • 17min

Cannabis, sport and anti-doping regulations with Tom Hudzik
2023-09-21 • 23min

Fentanyl, poly-substance use and the US opioid epidemic with Joseph Friedman
2023-09-13 • 15min

Vaping and smoking cessation with Vassilis Sideropoulos
2023-08-24 • 24min

Overdose risk, opioid agonists and other medications with Eleni Domzaridou
2023-08-17 • 18min

Methamphetamine, psychosis and family history with Rebecca McKetin
2023-08-10 • 18min

Hallucinogen use, young adults and monitoring the future with Katherine Keyes
2023-08-03 • 23min

Perspectives on gambling from 1561 with Louise Nadeau
2023-07-28 • 23min

Risk of bias in tobacco cessation trials with Jamie Hartmann-Boyce
2023-07-20 • 20min

Cannabis legalisation in Canada with Janni Leung
2023-07-13 • 25min

Bacterial infections and social determinants of health with Thomas Brothers
2023-07-12 • 21min

Cannabis and apps with Marleen Olthof and Matthijs Blankers
2023-06-29 • 30min

Long-acting buprenorphine with Jo Neale
2023-06-08 • 25min

Smoking and Ecological Momentary Assessment with Olga Perski
2023-05-10 • 37min

The acute effects of cannabis with Will Lawn
2023-04-05 • 32min

Heated tobacco products and nomenclature with Katie East
2023-01-25 • 15min

The rise of disposable vaping products with Harry Tattan-Birch
2022-12-15 • 23min

Highly processed foods and addiction with Ashley Gearhardt
2022-12-05 • 32min

Substance use among refugees with Ebtesam Saleh
2022-10-04 • 21min

Racial equity, research and the SRNT taskforce with Mignonne Guy and Megan Piper
2022-09-29 • 47min

Ontologies and tobacco, nicotine and vaping products with Sharon Cox
2022-09-08 • 27min

Opioid agonist treatment, drug related deaths and dynamic models with Matt Hickman
2022-08-14 • 18min

Cannabis use and bipolar disorder with Alexander Denissoff
2022-06-30 • 20min

Gambling, risk-taking and alcohol with Tori Horn
2022-06-15 • 16min

Brief interventions, emergency departments, and alcohol with Paolo Deluca
2022-06-08 • 23min

Drug checking services with Nazlee Maghsoudi
2022-04-07 • 24min

Drinking patterns during lockdown with Iain Hardie
2022-03-23 • 16min