S2E4 | Music Video: Michael Jackson‘s Thriller

S2E4 | Music Video: Michael Jackson‘s Thriller


Om avsnittet

The foulest stench is in the air, so we're dusting off the funk of 40,000 years with the iconic 14-minute short film/music video that changed every game in entertainment. Classmate Reagen joins us for a howling discussion of MJ's legendary Thriller album, track, and video, as well as musings on moonwalking, Ola Ray, popcorn gifs, werecat dating tips, and so much more. Can you dig it? Support the show by tossing us some lunch money at ko-fi.com/80shighpodcast. Write an 80's inspired note when you do, and we'll share it on the show!   -- Can I Borrow Your Notes? --  Thriller official music video Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” is the eternal Halloween bop — and so much more (Vox) Vincent Price's monologue/rap (with missing verse)   -- Teacher's Pets --  Join the Class of 80's High: 80shighpodcast@gmail.com Follow on Instagram: @80shighpodcast and Twitter: @high_80s Theme song by Greg Reed at gregreedmusic.com Cover art by Alex Goddard at alexgoddarddesign.com




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