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064 = A Tetris Education and Candy Bar Formation

064 = A Tetris Education and Candy Bar Formation


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In this episode... đŸ‘Ÿ What is the best way to win at Tetris?  đŸ« Revisited: Have all the candy bars been invented?  📜 And some AOOOOOOOOOB.  You can find the Bonham's Nintendo Gameboy Sale: https://www.bonhams.com/auction/19144/lot/250/nintendo-game-boy-flown-in-space/  Check out the rest of the sale too...it's pretty cool: https://www.bonhams.com/auction/19144/the-space-history-sale/ Evidence of the Beng-Beng Chocolate Caramel Hazelnut Crispy Wafer bar: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203119821326 As always, send your problems and solutions to our website: aproblemsquared.com. And if you want more from A Problem Squared, find us on Twitter,  Instagram. and Patreon.