#22. Upgrading the stories we live and work by - Paul Skinner

#22. Upgrading the stories we live and work by - Paul Skinner


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The first time I met Paul Skinner my brain got a intellectual orgasm. I knew I needed to dig deeper into his ideas and share his brilliant messages with more people. How he bring fresh flavours to established concepts like he have done in his books purpose upgrade and collaborative advantage, is definitely worth listening to, read and be inspired of. He is the founder of Marketing Kind a community of marketers, business leaders & change makers who come together to make marketing mean more and change the world for the better, an bestselling author and director at The Agency of the future. His mantra is that we all need to change the stories we live and work by to do more and better. Not just the tightly controlled stories of marketing messages, but the deeper stories that we tell ourselves and others. How can we upgrade the stories we live by and thereby the lives we live? Paul seems to have found the answer to that. Wish you all a great listen, starting your week with a real upgrade!



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