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LIBI Member Spotlight Season 1 Episode 1 "Interview With Lois Fricke" "LIBI Strengths & LIHBC Objectives" My thanks to Lois Fricke, Operations Director of LIBI, for taking the time to talk about her history with Long Island Builders Institute and charitable efforts with Long Island Home Builders Care. In this episode you'll hear how she got started with LIBI, the strengths of the organization and the quality of it's members. Lois proudly talks about how the LIBI members often make charity a priority. Show Topics: LIBI's upcoming Trade Expo on 10/21/2021, LIHBC charitable projects, annual scholarships, Babylon Food Bank, the NYS Scaffold law and Lois bill to make charitable organizations exempt, NYS new governor Kathy Hochel, raising awareness for children with disability at our NYS parks, and last but not least the growing interest in a 2022 LIBI bowling event! To actively support Lois and LIHBC's bill to change NYS Scaffold Labor Law 240/241 (explained in this episode) please visit and or email Lois at My thanks to Lois Fricke for doing this interview. I look forward to speaking with her again as current LIHBC goals are met and new ones begin. --- A note from me: Please remember -- I am an insurance agent and a LIBI member! If you are shopping your commercial insurance this year, please include me. Text or call: 516-610-1155. My email: THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!