Aaron & Sarah - An Adoptive Couple's Story

Aaron & Sarah - An Adoptive Couple's Story


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Step into the vibrant world of Aaron and Sarah Drussel, a couple whose journey through parenthood is as unique as it is heartwarming. As adoptive parents, they've opened their hearts and home through two domestic adoptions, while also being blessed with two biological children. Ever met a comedian turned mindset/business coach and real estate broker? That's Aaron for you. His jovial nature guarantees you won't walk away from this episode without a good chuckle. In fact, his favorite quip when asked about their child-free status was, "We are saving up for a boat!" But beneath the laughter lies a profound tale of love and resilience. The Drussels share candidly about their experiences with both adopted and biological children, emphasizing that love knows no boundaries. In their world, birth parents aren't distant figures but an integral part of their one big, happy family. Their journey hasn't been without challenges, having faced the heartbreak of a failed adoption. And after a few years of marriage, the revelation that they might not conceive naturally was a moment that tested their strength. Yet, Aaron and Sarah's story stands as a testament to the power of love, humor, and determination. Tune in to laugh, learn, and be inspired by a couple who truly understands that family is not defined by blood but by the bonds of love.Aaron Drussel: Instagram: @aarondrussel Youtube: @revupinrealestateAre you Pregnant? We can help:Text us at: 801-450-0094Call us: 1-800-835-6360Get more info:https://aactofloveadoptions.com/pregnant/Are you considering adoption?Call us: 1-888-767-7740Request a Free Application Packet:https://aactofloveadoptions.com/adoptive-parents/Follow us on Social Media:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aactoflove/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a_act_of_love/Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActofLoveAdoptPinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/aactoflove/




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