Struggling With Managing Expectations: Handling Stress & Overwhelm

Struggling With Managing Expectations: Handling Stress & Overwhelm


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Struggling With Managing Expectations: Handling Stress & Overwhelm One thing I constantly do to myself is set massive goals. Let’s say I land a new client and I tell them I want to get them a 10x ROI. I have immediately set an expectation very far from the current reality of their situation, before I’ve even had a chance to assess how the marketplace will react. By doing this, I have set myself up for failure. Here’s a better way to manage expectations… #managingexpectations #assessingsituations #managingstress #stressandoverwhelm #settingexpectations #aligninggoals #personalgoals #businessgoals #transparency Want To Funnel Hack Some Of The Biggest Businesses On The Planet, Live With Us EVERY Week? Join Our Facebook Group: