Jesus Tells Us to Be Detached from Wealth. What Does He Mean by That?
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Jesus Tells Us to Be Detached from Wealth. What Does He Mean by That? Today’s Gospel follows yesterday’s Gospel when a young rich man goes to Jesus and asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus answers him plainly. Obey the commandments. The young man tells Jesus he has indeed followed the commandments. The young man continues and asks Jesus what else must he do? Jesus tells the young man, to go and sell everything he owns. Give all the money to the poor . . . and follow me! The result of Jesus’ statement to the young man was he became downcast. The young man went away sad. The young man would not part with his wealth for anything. Jesus picks up the story in today’s Gospel and says to His disciples: Children, how hard it is for a rich man to enter heaven! The disciples say . . . if things are really like that, it is impossible to enter heaven! The context of the disciples must be understood before understanding Jesus’ next statements. In the Old Testament, having riches was a blessing from God! How then is it possible to have a blessing from God, but then Jesus says it is difficult for a rich man to enter heaven? Hear more within the Homily. Jesus is not condemning wealth! He is talking about the attitude of man. Jesus says the rich have a responsibility to the poor. Unless this is remembered, then the rich will imitate the young man, and go away sad. Hear more in this Meditation Media and understand the implications for our own Spiritual Journey. Listen to: Jesus Tells Us to Be Detached from Wealth. What Does He Mean by That? ------------------------------- Image: Christ and the Rich Young Ruler: German Painter: Heinrich Hoffman: 1889 ------------------------------- Gospel Reading: Matthew 19: 23-30 First Reading: EX 28: 1-10