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Professor Phil Newton is the Director of Learning and Teaching at Swansea University Medical School in the United Kingdom. In the third part of our learning theory discussion, Phil joins me to talk about behaviourism and its connections throughout all out curricula, with learning outcomes, Bloom’s taxonomy and feedback. And yes, we also talk about rats, dogs, pigeons, dolphin and Baby Albert. You can follow Phil and Medical Education at Swansea using the Twitter handle: @MScMedEd. Here are the papers we mentioned: Constructivism is not a Pedagogy A Pragmatic Master List of Action Verbs for Bloom's Taxonomy Is Teaching Simple Surgical Skills Using an Operant Learning Program More Effective Than Teaching by Demonstration? Follow: @AnatEducPodcast Visit: for more information This episode is sponsored by: The American Association for Anatomy. For information about upcoming events, membership details and much more, visit and @anatomyorg The International Association of Medical Science Education (IAMSE). For more information on meetings, membership options and funding, visit and @iamse. Adam Rouilly. For information on their wide range of products to support all aspects of healthcare education, visit and @AdamRouilly.